Mindful Handwashing
Mindful handwashing is a three-fer practice — it promotes your safety and that of others you touch, decreases stress by giving your brain rest from worry as you instead put your attention on your hands, and promotes social connection as you think of others. Try it:
Put all of your attention on the physical sensations of washing your hands. Water. Soap. Suds. Pressure. Warmth or coolness. Bring your attention to the simple act of washing your hands. Notice everything you can notice.
Next, put your attention on phrases to support your own immunity and calm: “May I be healthy. Calm. Safe. At ease.” Use your own phrases if you’d rather.
Finally, send the same wishes to all the others in your community. Think of the nurses, teachers, doctors, friends and loved ones, also washing their hands to keep you safe. “May you be healthy. Feel calm. May you be safe. May you live with ease.”