Don’t face your fear.

Uncertainty haunts us in this moment, and it’s exhausting for the brain’s processing systems. “How long can I manage working and homeschooling?” “Can my business recover from this?” “What if my parents get sick?” “What if I can’t pay my rent?” What if? . . .

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Sara Flitner
The Stop Sign Practice

This practice is inspired by Isaac Kinney’s “Friendly Wishes” practice. And scientists agree that it strengthens connections to the compassion and resilience centers in our brains.

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Sara Flitner
Clarity is all around us.

Each day brings a new set of challenges, obstacles, and questions. Scary numbers double overnight. But so do acts of kindness, generosity, courage, and care -- from our healthcare workers, from our business and nonprofit communities, and from our neighbors.

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Sara Flitner
When "someday" arrives . . .

For years, we have pondered the day when something big would turn the world on its head. Whether it would be a conflict, a natural disaster, or a pandemic, we knew “something” would happen . . . someday.

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Sara Flitner
Stay present, be kind, and act.

Our mission at Becoming Jackson Whole is to provide mindfulness and social wellness tools to our community at scale. Less stress. More resilience. Better outcomes. More connection. Important in all times, but critically so in the face of the current global environment.

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Sara Flitner