Clarity is all around us.
Each day brings a new set of challenges, obstacles, and questions. Scary numbers double overnight. But so do acts of kindness, generosity, courage, and care -- from our healthcare workers, from our business and nonprofit communities, and from our neighbors.
Most of us do similar things when we need clarity: Call mom. Engage a mentor. Find an expert. All good choices. Keep doing them.
But when you need more comfort, take a moment and notice the “teachers” all around you. The gray-haired woman on the bike path, who moves over six feet or so, modeling a silent lesson that says, “Your health is my concern, too. Be well.”
The birds that continue to soar with grace, reminding us, as we hunker down, that we should occasionally look up.
The two moms I saw walking down my street yesterday, toddlers and toys in tow. One mom shouldered a huge bouncy horse bungeed to a metal frame, as easy to carry down the street as, say, a recliner. But there was no doubt a lesson in their tiny parade: a simple change in scenery can be an action of resilience and care.
Friendly Wishes Practice