Mindfulness in Flow

By Amy Lane , BJW Board Member and Spiritual Director, Sage Integration

"What you resist, persists" is a timeless adage that speaks to the power of acceptance and mindfulness in navigating life's challenges. In essence, it suggests that when we resist or push away uncomfortable thoughts, emotions, or circumstances, they tend to persist and even intensify, commanding more of our attention and prolonging suffering. However, by practicing mindfulness and embracing the present moment, we can learn to flow with what is, rather than struggling against it. 

Mindfulness invites us to cultivate a non-judgmental awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they arise in the present moment. Instead of getting caught up in a cycle of resistance and reactivity, we can observe these experiences with openness and curiosity. Through this practice, we develop greater clarity and insight into the nature of our inner experiences, allowing us to respond skillfully to life's ups and downs. 

When we approach challenges with mindfulness, we acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of the human experience. Rather than trying to avoid or suppress it, we can meet it with kindness and compassion. By embracing the present moment in its entirety — both its joys and sorrows — we cultivate a sense of inner peace and, perhaps most importantly, resilience.  

Ultimately, mindfulness teaches us to let go of the need to control or change things (usually beyond our influence anyway!) and instead focus on how we can skillfully respond to what is unfolding in the here and now. Practicing acceptance is not to “give up” or give in. It’s a resolute and conscious surrendering to the flow of life that frees us from the grip of resistance and opens us to the beauty and possibility inherent in each moment. 

Amy Lane's journey is marked by a commitment to holistic and spiritual learning, blending academic study with practical experience in pastoral ministry and counseling, spiritual direction, mindfulness, wellness and the newly emerging field of psychedelic-assisted therapies. She is a founding board member of Becoming Jackson Whole and will lead the (free!) May session of Mindfulness Works at Teton County Library on Tuesday, May 14, 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Learn more about Amy at www.sageintegrationservices.com.